19th International Congress of Speleology

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The UIS hosts an International Congress of Speleology every four years, which is the world’s most significant gathering of cave and karst scientists, managers, educators, and explorers. For preliminary information […]

18th European Cave Rescue Meeting

Wojcieszów, Poland

The 18th European Cave Rescue Meeting is going to take place in Wojcieszow (Voy-che-shoov), Poland, September 25-28th 2025. Pre ECRA Meeting: 24-25 September 2025. This meeting is organized by the […]

National Cave & Karst Management Symposium

Bristlecone Convention Center 150 6th St, Ely

Cave and karst resource management spans a wide array of scientific and recreational disciplines. Across North America, responsible stewardship of these fragile ecosystems necessitates a broad-spectrum approach to both problems […]