UIS Commissions and Working Groups

Commissions and Working Groups are where UIS actual speleological work is done. Anyone who wants to contribute is encouraged to collaborate in the work of a commission under the co-ordination of its president. Please contact the respective president directly. Their contact details are linked to the person’s name.

Commission Presidents who have web pages describing their own Commission are encouraged to email the Website Manager to have their information linked to this document.


Archeology and Paleontology in Caves Commission.
Commission pour l’archéologie et la paléontologie dans les grottes.

Web: https://faculty.jsd.claremont.edu/dmcfarlane/UIS/

Presidents: Donald McFARLANE (USA) – dmcfarlane@kecksci.claremont.edu
Vice President: Natalie UOMINI (UK) – traduck@gmail.com

Artificial Cavities Commission.
Commission des cavités artificielles

Web: https://artificialcavities.wordpress.com/

President: Mario PARISE (Italy) – m.parise@ba.irpi.cnr.it 

Arts and Letters Commission.
Commission des arts et des lettres

President: Taraneh KHALEGHI (Austria) – tk.khaleghi@hotmail.com

Cave-inspired music database (by David N. Brison): https://caveinspiredmusic.uis-speleo.org/

Bibliography Commission.
Commission de bibliographie.

Web: https://wiki.grottocenter.org/wiki/GrottoCenter:Fr/bbs

President: Patrick DERIAZ (Switzerland)
Secretary: Frédéric URIEN (France)

Biology Commission.
Commission de biologie

President: Shirish MANCHI (India) – ediblenest@gmail.com

Cave Diving Commission.
Commission de la plongée souterraine.

Web: https://cdcuis.wordpress.com/

President: Rodrigo SEVERO (Brazil) – rsev@pm.me
Vice-President: Philippe BRUNET (France) – ph.brunet@free.fr 
Secretary: Uroš AKSAMOVIĆ (Serbia) – ypow@sob.rs

Cave Mineralogy Commission.
Commission pour la minéralogie dans les grottes.

Web: https://caveminerals.rc.usf.edu/about

President: Bogdan P. ONAC (USA/Romania) – bonac@usf.edu

Cave Rescue Commission.
Commission de spéléo-secours.

Web: https://rescue.uis-speleo.org/

President: Gyula HEGEDŰS (Hungary) – hegedusgyula@t-online.hu

Education Commission.
Commission de l’enseignement spéléologique.

President: András HEGEDŰS (France) – hegedusposta@gmail.com

Glacier, Firn and Ice Caves Commission.

Commission des glaciers, des sapins et des grottes de glace.

Web: http://www.rgo-speleo.ru/fgicc/fgicc_en.htm

President: Bulat Mavlyudov – bulatrm@bk.ru

History of Speleology Commission.
Commission pour l’histoire de la spéléologie.

Web: https://history.uis-speleo.org/

President: Bernard CHIROL (France) – bearchirol@orange.fr
Vice-President: Friedhart KNOLLE (Germany)

Informatics Commission.
Commission pour l’informatique.

Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/

President: vacant – apply here
Vice-president: Mike LAKE (Australia) – Mike.Lake@uts.edu.au
Past-president 1986-2022: Peter MATTHEWS (Australia) – matthews@melbpc.org.au

Sub-commissions & Projects:

Sub-comm: Data Exchange.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/exchange/
Leader: Peter MATTHEWS (Australia)
Sub-comm: KarstLink (Linked Data).
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/exchange/karstlink/index-en.html
Leader: Eric MADELAINE (France)
Sub-comm: Karst Data Interchange.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/exchange/kdi/
Leader: Mike LAKE (Australia)
Project: UIS Data Sharing Guidelines.
Forum: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=8
Leader: Jill ROWLING (Australia)
Sub-comm: Multi-Lingual Dictionary.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/lexintro.html
Leader: Mladen GARAŠIĆ (Croatia)
Project: Cave & Karst Glossary.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/lexgloss.html
Leader: Peter MATTHEWS (Australia)
Sub-comm: Publications Exchange.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/publexch/
Leader: Michele SIVELLI (Italy)
Sub-comm: Survey and Mapping.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/wgsurmap.html
Leader: Philipp HÄUSELMANN (Switzerland)
Project: Mapping Symbols For Artificial Cavities.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/wgsurmap.html#artificial
Leader: Philipp HÄUSELMANN (Switzerland)
Project: T-LiDAR Cave Scanning.
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/wgsurmap-lidar.html
Leader: Donald McFARLANE (USA)
Sub-comm: UIS-WikiCaves (Global cave & karst data).
Web: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/wikicaves/
Web: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1b7i340PNk5dQnAs-FLZalYUvAGIsrmD6YnNDkX1YI10/viewform
Leader: Didier BORG (France)
Project: GrottoCenter Protection Updates.
Forum: https://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=10
Leader: Didier BORG (France)

Karst and Cave Protection Commission.
Commission pour Protection du Karst et des Grottes.

Web: https://uis-speleo.org/index.php/karst-and-cave-protection-commission/

President: Jean-Pierre BARTHOLEYNS (Belgium) – jp.bartholeyns@gmail.com

Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis Commission.
Commission pour l’hydrogéologie du karst et spéléogenie.

Contact information will be published soon

Long, Deep and Large Caves Commission.
Commission des grandes cavités.

Contact information will be published soon

Materials and Techniques Commission.
Commission de matériel et techniques.

President: Mónica PONCE (Mexico) – mpmexcaving@gmail.com
Vice-President: Antonio LLUFRIU (UK) – tonilluf@gmail.com
Secretary: Dino MENDY (Argentina) – dino_mendy@yahoo.com.ar
Cuba Coordinator: Haydée GONZÁLEZ – haydeegonzalez633@gmail.com

Physical Chemistry and Hydrogeology of Karst Commission.
Commission de la physico-chimie et de l’hydrogéologie du karst.

Contact information will be published soon

Pseudokarst Commission.
Commission du “Pseudokarst”.

Web: http://www.pseudokarst.com/

President: Jan URBAN (Poland) – urban@iop.krakow.pl
Vice-President: Rudolf PAVUZA (Austria) – rudolf.pavuza@nhm-vien.ac.at
Secretary: Hartmut SIMMERT (Germany) – hartmut.simmert@t-online.de
1. Honorary President: Jiří KOPECKÝ (Czech Republic)

Speleotherapy Commission.
Commission de spéléothérapie.


Honorary President: Svetozar DLUHOLUCKY (Slovakia)
President: Iuri SIMIONCA (Romania) – simionca_iuri@yahoo.com
Vice President: Svetozar DLUHOLUCKY (Slovakia)
Vice President: Ivan S. LEMKO (Ukraine)
Responsible Secretary: Ovidiu MERA (Romania)
Principal Advisor Responsible Secretary: Vanja DEBEVEC (Slovenia)
Advisor Secretary: Constantin MUNTEANU (Romania)
Advisor Secretary: Magdalena KOSTRZON (Poland)

Speleotherapy Repository/Library:
Responsible: Vladimir SVOZIL (Czech Republic)
Custodian: Oldrich NAVRÁTIL (Czech Republic)

Bibliography and Website: Mihail HOTETEU (Romania)
Biblography advisor: Marta HAISAK (Ukraine)

Working group: Speleotherapy in salt mines and salt chambers.
Chairman: Jaroslav CHONKA (Ukraine)
Members: Iuri SIMIONCA (Romania)
Ovidiu MERA (Romania)
Advisors Members: Nicholae GRUDNICKI (Romania), Ioan IETCU (Romania), Claudia BILHA (Romania), Jakub CERVINSKI (Poland), Krzysztof CZARNOBILSKI (Poland)

Working Subgroup: Halotherapy (speleotherapy in artificial salt chambers)
Advisors Members: Pavel P. GORBENKO (Russia), Ivan S. LEMKO (Ukraine)

Working group: Speleotherapy in carst and other caves.
Chairman: Pavel SLAVÍK (Czech Republic)
Members: Svetozar DLUHOLUCKY (Slovakia)
Vladimir SVOZIL (Czech Republic)

Working group: Assessment of potentially curative underground environment in caves, mines and other artificial spaces; measurement techniques.
Chairman: Iuri SIMIONCA (Romania)
Members: Rudolf PAVUZA (Austria)
Peter JOVANOVIČ (Slovenia)
Liviu ENACHE (Romania)
Advisor Member: Marian Romeo CALIN (Romania)

Volcanic Caves Commission.
Commission des grottes volcaniques.

Web: http://www.vulcanospeleology.org/

President: John BRUSH (Australia) – JohnBrush@Bigpond.com
Vice-President: Gregory MIDDLETON (Australia) – ozspeleo@iinet.net.au
Newsletter Editor: Ed WATERS (UK)
Membership Officer: Paul ROWE (New Zealand) – armchair.caver.nz@gmail.com