2025 International Congress of Speleology

The International Union of Speleology (UIS) has recently voted to hold the 19th International Congress of Speleology in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on 27 July – 2 August 2025. More information will be released soon in the next UIS Bulletin.
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UIS Prizes 2021 – new deadline

As the 18th ICS was postponed to the next year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UIS announces extra time for entries for the UIS PRIZES 2021. The new deadline is APRIL 30, 2022 For all details concerning the UIS Prizes 2021 (categories, regulations, and rules for entries), please, click here
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2021 – France HABE prize – deadline extended

The France HABE Prize is awarded each year by the Karst and Caves Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). With the cancellation of the 18th ICS, the deadline for submitting applications is exceptionally extended until August 20, 2021. Do not miss this opportunity! All the useful information is here: http://uis-speleo.org/index.php/karst-and-cave-protection-commission/
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The International Year of Caves and Karst: Extended to 2022!

The International Year of Caves and Karst (IYCK) was created to teach people around the world about caves and karst. Organized by the International Union of Speleology (UIS), we now have 183 national and international organizations partnering with us. Together we have 110 upcoming events announced around the world and 79 other events are already complete, most of which you can watch or read about at http://iyck2021.org/index.php/event-results/. The biggest single event for the International Year is the International Congress of Speleology (https://uis2021.speleos.fr/) which has been posted to July 2022 because of the pandemic. As a result, the UIS Bureau has decided to extend the International Year through 2022. We have contacted our partners directly so they can plan events through next year. We suggest 2021 as the virtual International Year, and as…
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2021 Exception for paying UIS membership fees

Regarding the Covid-19 situation and postponing of the Congress for one year, the UIS Bureau decided that there exists an acceptable reason that some of the member countries can’t pay their UIS member fees for four consecutive years. We announce here that they will not lose their membership to the UIS if they pay their fees at the 18th ICS in France in 2022. In principle, this is for those who pay in cash at the Congresses to avoid high money transfer charges. Nadja Zupan HajnaUIS Treasurer
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International Congress of Speleology Postponed

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic requires that the 18th International Congress of Speleology, which was scheduled for this year in France, be postponed to 24-31 July 2022 at the same location. All registrations and papers sent for 2021 will be accepted for 2022 and can be canceled or adjusted if needed. Please watch the Congress website for more information: https://uis2021.speleos.fr/.
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Bulletin December 2020 Out Now

We are glad to share with you the Volume 62-2 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded here The 69pages of this issue bring the following topics: Editorial: New Decade, Brilliant Future Ahead The President’s Column: Welcome to the International Year of Caves and Karst Planning Guide for a Virtual International Year of Caves and Karst UIS Prizes 2021: Reminder for nominations International Year of Caves and Karst 2021 Opening Ceremony Book “Cave, Karst and People” International Year of Caves and Karst - Activities in some member Nations World Heritage Sites, Global Geoparks, and the IYCK Cave animal of the year Commission on History of Speleology 2020: The 70th Year of the Italian Speleological Society 80th Anniversary of the Cuban Speleological Society International Expedition CHINEXPLOS 2019…
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The International Year of Caves and Karst has Begun!

The International Union of Speleology (UIS) welcomes everyone to the International Year of Caves and Karst (IYCK)! The major goal of the IYCK is to teach people about caves and karst. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to become part of the IYCK. No program or activity is too small. We are trying to reach the world and need your help. Please visit the IYCK website’s (http://www.iyck2021.org/) and its Download page for the Planning Guide and other materials you are free to use, If you have already planned events, please send them for posting on the Events page. We also welcome several new partners (almost 90 in total!) and hope to welcome more soon. The official opening of the IYCK will be on 26 January 2021. The location, details, and other…
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Winner of the UIS France Habe Prize 2020

The France HABE Prize is awarded by the Karst and the Cave Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). The prize is named in memory and honour of Dr. France HABE († 10/12/1999) of Slovenia (Yugoslavia), who among his other many accomplishments served as President of the UIS Protection Department (1973-1997). Its purpose is to promote the protection of karst and caves for generations to come. Their natural legacy are proven sources of increasingly rich information about the history of our planet and humanity, enabling people to act more thoughtfully, efficiently, and sustainably for the future of our environment. The 2020 Prize Two submissions were received on time from Italy and Mexico. They concern both a film about cave exploration. The Jury of the France Habe Prize 2020 was…
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International Cave Animal of the Year

As part of the International Year of Caves and Karst 2021 (IYCK), UIS announces the first International Cave Animal of the Year! The International Cave Animal will raise worldwide attention on the little-known zoological diversity and importance of subterranean habitats, and thus contribute to global awareness of the urgent need for cave protection. To learn more about underground habitats, which animal is being celebrated, and which campaigns appear in different countries, see Germany -> https://hoehlentier.de/Australia -> https://www.caveanimaloftheyear.org.au/Greece -> https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/cave-animal-of-the-year-2021-greece, https://www.facebook.com/CaveAnimalOfTheYearGreece.gr/Italy -> https://animalidigrotta.speleo.it/Spain-> https://bioespeleologia.blogspot.com/2020/12/invertebrado-cavernicola-jiennense-del.htmlSwitzerland -> https://cavernicola.ch/USA -> https://caves.org/conservation/caveanimaloftheyear.shtml The first international Cave Animal of the Year is cave beetles.
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