The UIS Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection are now available!

In 1997, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released the first edition of the Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection to support the growing international need for guidance in cave and karst management. In recognition of the International Year of Caves and Karst, the UIS released the second edition, in cooperation with the IUCN, where 16 leading experts updated and expanded the guidelines to include new knowledge gained over the past 25 years. You can find the Guidelines on following links: Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection - second edition Complete Listing of Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection
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Speleological events support – new Call 2022!

Dear colleagues, Dear Friends The next deadline for submition of requests for speleological events support is May 31, 2022. Granted can be the international expeditions or other projects focused on exploration, study, or protection of caves and karst, with emphasis on educational, technical and/or scientific cooperation with the local speleological community. All requests should show explicitly, that the proposed event is in agreement with the Statutes, Internal Regulations and Code of Ethics of the UIS and should be sent to the UIS via Secretary General Fadi Nader at , or Vice President for Administration Zdenek Motycka at More details can also be found in the Speleological Events Support Guidelines. Zdenek Motycka UIS Vice President of Administration
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UIS Bureau’s statement on the Ukrainian war

The UIS Bureau condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. This conflict is creating a severe humanitarian crisis that is worsening daily. The UIS Bureau stands with the Ukrainian people and calls on the Russian aggressors to immediately cease their brutal, inhumane, and unprovoked violence. UIS Bureau acknowledges the contribution of both Ukrainian and Russian cavers and karst scientists to the international UIS community. However, the UIS Bureau is appalled by the current invasion and war crimes committed by the armed forces of the Russian Federation. In solidarity with Ukrainian cavers and scientists, and scientific organizations worldwide, the UIS Bureau is freezing all cooperation with caving organizations and speleological institutions of the Russian Federation until further notice. The UIS Bureau recommends to the…
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Winner of the UIS France Habe Prize 2021

Introduction The France HABE Prize is awarded by the Karst and the Cave Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). The prize is named in memory and honor of Dr. France HABE († 10/12/1999) of Slovenia (Yugoslavia), who among his other many accomplishments served as President of the UIS Protection Department (1973-1997). Its purpose is to promote the protection of karst and caves for generations to come. Their natural legacy is a proven source of increasingly rich information about the history of our planet and humanity, enabling people to act more thoughtfully, efficiently, and sustainably for the future of our environment. The 2021 Prize Four submissions were received on time for actions and activities in Belize, France, Germany and Spain. They concern awareness-raising, competitions, conservation and inventories. The…
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New UIS Bulletin available

We are glad to share with you Volume 63-2 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded by clicking on the link: The 51 pages of this issue bring the following topics: • Editorial: The International Year of Caves and Karst: Become a Part of Speleological History • The President’s Column: A New Beginning for Speleology and the Second Year of the International Year • 18th International Congress of Speleology 2022 • The Road to the UIS International Year of Caves and Karst and UNESCO Event • UIS International Year of Caves and Karst 2021: Special Ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris • International Cave Animal of the Year 2022: BATS • Ice Cavers: The Movie • News of the 19th International Congress of Speleology 2025…
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The International Year of Caves and Karst: Start Thinking about 2022!

As we approach the last month of 2021, remember that because of COVID the International Year of Caves and Karst has been extended through 2022. So far we have 257 partner organizations that organized 360 events. This has been great and following the success of our meeting with UNESCO in September we hope to keep adding partners and organize even more events for next year. At first, I described 2021 as the “virtual” International and that 2022 would be the “in-person” International Year. I was mistaken. Strangely, the COVID pandemic has increased the success of the International Year dramatically. Lectures and activities that would have been held in person with only a few people were done on-line with attendees from around the world. They were then posted on the International…
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The International Year of Caves and Karst: Celebration at UNESCO!

The International Year of Caves and Karst is organized by the International Union of Speleology (UIS) to celebrate caves and karst internationally and teach the world about their importance. On Monday, 13 September 2021, we celebrated the International Year at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Many governmental ambassadors and influential people were at the meeting in Paris. We asked for three specific things (in additional to their general support in their countries): 1) Encouraged UNESCO to develop inventories of all caves, karst features, and theircontents in UNESCO protected areas. 2) Suggested that UNESCO evaluate protected areas for adequacy of cave andkarst protection, and expand protection as needed. 3) Invited UNESCO to join the UIS to develop an international ban in the trade ofcave materials (speleothems, animals, sediments, and rocks). The first…
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Speleological events support – new Call 2021!

Dear colleagues, Dear Friends After interruption caused by global pandemic of COVID 19, we are happy to announced the new Call for Speleological events support. The Next deadline for submition of request for speleological events support is November 30, 2021. Granted can be the international expeditions or other projects focused on exploration, study, or protection of caves and karst, with emphasis on educational, technical and/or scientific cooperation with the local speleological community. All requests should show explicitly, that the proposed expedition is in agreement with the Statutes, Internal Regulations, and Code of Ethics of the UIS and must be sent to the UIS via Secretary General Fadi Nader at . More details can also be found in the Speleological Events Support Guidelines. Zdenek Motycka UIS Vice President of Administration
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The UIS International Year of Caves and Karst: UNESCO Protected Areas and UN Agenda 2030

As you know, the International Union of Speleology-UIS, in partnership with 56 member countries and over 230 institutions and organizations around the world, has proclaimed an International Year of Caves and Karst 2021. An event to present the IYCK 2021 has been organized under the patronage of the UNESCO Director-General by the UIS in partnership with the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Slovenia to UNESCO. The event will take place on 13 September from 9.30 to 13.00 (Paris Time) on the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (see program below). Due to COVID -19 restrictions, the event will be limited to invited guests from UNESCO national delegations and UIS & IYCK partners: 100 people will attend in person, with an additional 500 people able to participate via Zoom. For everyone else,…
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New UIS Bulletin available

We are glad to share with you Volume 63-1 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded by clicking on the link: The 43 pages of this issue bring the following topics: • Editorial: “Good News Despite Sad Losses“ • The President’s Column: “Important UIS Changes and Updates” • International Year of Caves and Karst 2021 and 2022 • Examples of Events Organized for the IYCK around the World • Brazil joins the Cave Animal of the Year campaign • Andy Eavis, UIS Past President, honored in the UK • UIS Prizes 2021: New deadline for nominations • Brazil will host the 19th International Congress of Speleology in 2025 • New techniques for remote location of unknown caves • In Memoriam: Jean Nicod (France) • In…
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