International Cave Animal of the Year

As part of the International Year of Caves and Karst 2021 (IYCK), UIS announces the first International Cave Animal of the Year! The International Cave Animal will raise worldwide attention on the little-known zoological diversity and importance of subterranean habitats, and thus contribute to global awareness of the urgent need for cave protection. To learn more about underground habitats, which animal is being celebrated, and which campaigns appear in different countries, see Germany -> -> ->, ->> -> -> The first international Cave Animal of the Year is cave beetles.
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UIS Prizes 2021 – Call for Nominations

Every four year at each International Congress of Speleology, the International Union of Speleology (UIS) recognizes major accomplishments over those years through the UIS Prizes. The categories have been expanded and are now: The Most Significant Cave Discovery/Exploration The Most Significant Publication About Caves or Karst (printed and digital subcategories) The Best Special Book Poster Prize Greatest Scientific Achievement The deadline for nominations is 21 May 2021, but please send your nominations early so you don’t forget! For all the details and on how to send your nominations check UIS Prizes 2021 - Call for Nominations
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Bulletin June 2020 out now

We are glad to share with you the Volume 62-1 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded here The 33 pages of this issue bring the following topics: Editorial: “Uplifting energy is required” The President’s Column: Advancing Speleology in the age of COVID-19 International Year of Caves and Karst 2021: How to use and edit promotional material UIS Bulletin: Complete collection now available Special issue of the International Journal of Speleology: Call for papers UIS Prizes 2021: Call for nominations The first international cave animal of the year Genovesa Underwater Cave encased in 10m of sewage In Memoriam: Trifon Daaliev (Bulgaria) Calendar of Events News from the 18th International Congress of Speleology 2021 UIS Bureau 2017/2021 List of Member Nations Annual Contributions and Bank Account We…
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The KarstLink Project: Data sharing for cavers, scientists and managers.

In this major new UIS project, KarstLink, wide and early participation is important. The project is setting up the infrastructure and recommendations to facilitate the responsible discovery, sharing and use of cave and karst data, one of the core aims of UIS. This is now practical by using the latest Internet standards from W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) for Linked Data on the Semantic Web. It will also involve creating a comprehensive ontology and vocabulary describing the data environment of caves and karst, while not duplicating common items in existing ontologies. The project is liaising of course with other organisations interested in cave and karst information.To make sure that the perspective, experience and requirements, including security, for cavers from all countries, for each karst science discipline, and for cave management are properly…
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COVID-19 pandemic

The UIS shares the world’s concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic. We send our best hopes for your good health and that of your loved ones. Many caving and research trips and conferences are being cancelled and postponed. We urge you to be patient and supportive of those organizing expeditions, meetings, and other activities as they seek ways to advance speleology while protecting everyone’s health. Please follow carefully the rules your governments have created for your protection against the virus, which will help end this crisis sooner. On behalf of the UIS Bureau and its 54 member countries, we send you our best wishes, and thank you for supporting speleology and the protection of the world’s health. Dr. George Veni UIS President
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Speleological events support

Next deadline for submition of request for speleological events support is May 31, 2020. Grants can be given to international expeditions or other projects focused on exploration, study, or protection of caves and karst, with emphasis on educational, technical and/or scientific cooperation with the local speleological community. UIS Bureau decided, that for 2020 up to three grants will be granted with a combined total funding cap of 3000 Euros. All requests should show explicitly that the proposed expedition is in agreement with the Statutes, Internal Regulations, and Code of Ethics of the UIS. Requests must be sent to the UIS via Secretary General Fadi Nader at More details can be found in the Speleological Events Support Guidelines.
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Bulletin December 2019 available

We are glad to share with you the Volume 61-2 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded here The 74 pages of this issue bring the following topics: Editorial: “Are you ready?” The President’s Column: “International Congress of Speleology; Announcements for Everyone - Even if You Dont Attend!” A Planning Guide for International Year of Caves and Karst Call for proposals: 2025 International Congress of Speleology Scientific Research: UIS Glacier, Firn, and Ice Caves Commission International Speleological Educational Expeditions on Cyprus Cave Rescue Trainning in Brazil: A decade of Partnership with France 14th National Mexican Congress of Speleology, CNME 2019 Man and Karst 2019 -International Scientific Conference Cleaning Nature - Trashbonding & Guardians of the Earth Australia - Cave Landscape Bushfire Rehabilitation Appeal Derek Ford, UIS Past…
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