New UIS Bulletin available

We are glad to share with you Volume 66 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded by clicking on the link: The 60 pages of this issue bring the following topics: TABLE OF CONTENTS • Editorial: “One year to the 19th ICS and the 60th Anniversary of the UIS” • President’s Column - by Nadja Zupan Hajna: “Charting New Horizons” • UIS Becomes a Full Member of the International Science Counci • The UIS Archive in Postojna: demands - repeated urgent call! • UIS Book “Sixty Years of the UIS - 1965-2025” - History update • International Journal of Speleology - Special issue on Cave Monitoring: call for papers • UIS Informatics Commission: A New Presidency • 9th International Congress of Speleology - Call for registration • Exploring Scotland’s Subterranean Wonders: The Grampian Speleological…
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2024 – France HABE prize – deadline extended

The France HABE Prize is awarded each year by the Karst and Caves Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). To prevent the distracted and latecomers from biting their fingers, the date for submitting applications has been extended until July 20, 2024. Do not miss this opportunity! All the useful information is here:
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International Journal of Speleology – call for papers

The International Journal of Speleology, the official journal of the Union Internationale de Spéléologie, is excited to announce a call for papers for a Special Issue on Cave monitoring: the good, the bad, and the nice. Understanding the dynamics of cave environments requires intensive and extensive measurements and monitoring of the physical, chemical, geomorphological, and hydrological parameters, encompassing all features of the caves (geology, hydrology, morphology, air, water, biota, and human impact). Technological advances have shifted observations from sporadic to continuous monitoring, albeit methods vary significantly in frequency, precision, accuracy and duration. Historically, measurements were taken on a “need to know” basis, often focusing on specific parameters like air temperature, while overlooking potentially crucial factors such as CO2 levels or water, soil or rock temperature. Additionally, the lack of affordable…
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Email vigilance

Dear Member of the UIS, We have noted a recent resurgence of hoax emails purporting to come from members of the UIS Bureau. Please be vigilant, and always check the email address of the sender carefully. All official UIS emails, including those from UIS Bureau members, will come from an address you are familiar with. If you are at all uncertain please use the website contact form to raise an enquiry. Thank you for your continued support of UIS, Yours sincerely, Nadja Zupan Hajna UIS President
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New UIS Bulletin available

We are glad to share with you Volume 65-1&2 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded by clicking on the link: The 93 pages of this issue bring the following topics: • TABLE OF CONTENTS • Editorial: The speleology we want in the coming years • President’s Column - by Nadja Zupan Hajna: “Caves and Karst Globally” • Proposal for UNESCO Caves and Karst Day Proclamation • The UIS International Year of Caves and Karst 2021/22 UIS: An Early Summary • Another Mulu expedition in November 2023 • Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection: Updated and Translated • United Nations: Conferences and speleology • Statement of the German Speleological Federation for the UN Water Conference 2023 • UIS Delegation in Brazil: The present and future…
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The France HABE Prize is awarded by the Karst and the Cave Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). The prize is named in memory and honor of Dr. France HABE († 10/12/1999) of Slovenia (Yugoslavia), who among his other many accomplishments served as President of the UIS Protection Department (1973-1997). Its purpose is to promote the protection of karst and caves for generations to come. Their natural legacy is a proven source of increasingly rich information about the history of our planet and humanity, enabling people to act more thoughtfully, efficiently, and sustainably for the future of our environment. The 2023 Prize This year, the candidates dealt with their subject, although very different, by highlighting a wide range of options such as raising awareness of caving, the…
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Speleological Events Support 2023 – New Call!

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, We are glad to inform you, about the new call for speleological events support. Granted can be international expeditions or other events, focused on the exploration, study, or protection of caves and karst, with emphasis on educational, technical, and/or scientific cooperation. All requests should show explicitly, that the proposed event is in agreement with the Statutes, Internal Regulations and Code of Ethics of the UIS. In addition, speleological expeditions must involve participants from at least three different countries. Requests which do not meet this requirements will not be accepted. Conditions and more details about speleological events support can be found in the Speleological Events Support Guidelines on, or do not hesitate to ask UIS Vice President of Administration Zdenek Motycka at . The deadline…
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France HABE PRIZE 2024

The Karst and Cave Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS) is pleased to announce the opening of the PRIX France HABE 2024. The prize is named in memory and in honor of Dr. France HABE from Slovenia (Yugoslavia), Past President of the Protection Department of the UIS (1973 -1997). The purpose of this prize endowed with 300€ is to promote the protection of karst and caves. Their natural heritage is an increasingly rich source of proven information on the history of our planet and of humanity, allowing us to act in a more thoughtful, effective and sustainable way for the future of our environment. You will find the complete regulations in French, English and Spanish on the UIS website by following this link: Feel free to disseminate widely. Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns President
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2023 – France HABE prize – deadline extended

The France HABE Prize is awarded each year by the Karst and Caves Protection Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). To prevent the distracted and latecomers from biting their fingers, the date for submitting applications has been extended until July 20, 2023. Do not miss this opportunity! All the useful information is here: Le Prix France HABE est décerné chaque année par la Commission Protection du Karst et des Grottes de l’Union Internationale de Spéléologie (UIS) Pour éviter que les distraits et les retardataires ne se mordent les doigts, la date de remise des candidatures est prolongée jusqu'au 20 juillet 2023. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité ! Toutes les informations utiles sont ici: El Premio France HABE es otorgado cada año por la Comisión de Protección del Karst y las Cuevas de la Unión Internacional de Espeleología Para…
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Speleological Events Support – New Call!

Dear Colleagues and Friends, We are pleased to inform you about the new call for funding of speleological events. Grants may be awarded for international expeditions or other events focused on the exploration, study or protection of caves and karst, with emphasis on educational, technical and/or scientific cooperation. All applications should explicitly demonstrate that the proposed event is in accordance with the Statutes, Internal Regulations and Code of Ethics of the UIS. In addition, the event must involve contributors from at least three different countries. Proposals that do not meet these requirements will be rejected. Other requirements and details can be found in the UIS Speleological Event Sponsorship Guidelines at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the UIS Vice President of Administration Zdeněk Motyčka at The UIS Bureau has decided to…
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