New UIS Bulletin available

We are glad to share with you Volume 66 of the UIS Bulletin. The PDF Interactive format can be downloaded by clicking on the link:

The 60 pages of this issue bring the following topics:

• Editorial: “One year to the 19th ICS and the 60th Anniversary of the UIS”
• President’s Column – by Nadja Zupan Hajna: “Charting New Horizons”
• UIS Becomes a Full Member of the International Science Counci
• The UIS Archive in Postojna: demands – repeated urgent call!
• UIS Book “Sixty Years of the UIS – 1965-2025” – History update
• International Journal of Speleology – Special issue on Cave Monitoring: call for papers
• UIS Informatics Commission: A New Presidency
• 9th International Congress of Speleology – Call for registration
• Exploring Scotland’s Subterranean Wonders: The Grampian Speleological Group in Edinburgh
• Advancing Karst and Cave Ecosystem Protection: Insights from UNEA-6
• 21st International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology in Galapagos Islands .
• 10th International Workshop on Ice Caves
• III Colombian Congress of Speleology
• Caving in Mongolian Permafrost – 2023 Expedition
• 2024 Tipan (PH) Expedition in Philippines
• Virtual Speleological Field Trip in Greece
• Minutes of the UIS virtual Bureau meeting on December 13, 2023
• Minutes of the UIS virtual Bureau meeting on April 17, 2024
• A Tribute to Reinhold Henrich Scherrer (René), Switzerland
• UIS Bureau 2022/2025
• List of UIS Member Countries
• Annual Contributions and Bank Account
• Calendar of Events

We appreciate your comments and suggestions to improve upcoming issues.