Call for support for the IDCK proclamation

The International Union of Speleology (UIS), in cooperation with the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, is actively promoting the establishment of the International Day of Caves and Karst (IDCK – September 13).

Why September 13th? Because there is no other international day on this date, because no nationality is favored and because on this day in 2021 caves and karst were presented to UNESCO for the first time (although the UIS was founded on September 16), and because UNESCO representatives like the idea. You can read more about the UIS proposal in a new UIS Bulletin 66-1.

It does not matter if your country or region already celebrates a specific cave day other than the International Day of Caves and Karst proposed here, it’s just important that the public learns about caves and karst as often as possible.

I hope that we will all take this opportunity to give caves and karst the recognition they deserve.

Therefore, on behalf of the UIS, I ask for your support for this proposal.

Nadja Zupan Hajna
UIS President